Investment Information
Daesang will get trust through transparent management.
Investment Information
( Unit : Share, % )
Name of shareholders | No. of common stock | Share ratio |
Daesang Holdings Co., Ltd. | 13,608,456 | 39.28% |
Daesang Foundation | 1,324,957 | 3.82% |
Relative, etc. | 568,670 | 1.64% |
Subtotal of Majority shareholder, etc. | 15,502,083 | 44.74% |
Treasury Stock | - | 0.00% |
Foreign investor | 4,938,768 | 14.25% |
Others | 14,207,174 | 41.00% |
Total | 34,648,025 | 100.00% |
![As a shareholder composition graph, 15,502,083 shares are owned by the largest shareholder, 4,938,768 shares are owned by foreign investors, and 14,207,174 shares are issued by other shareholders.](../../asset/images/sub/invest/graph.png)